

參規則 16.2.1 第四黑點 :
After the ball has touched the ring on a last or only free throw and is legally touched by an offensive or defensive player “before it enters the basket”, the goal counts 2 points.

及 FIBA Official Interpretation: 31-5 Statement
Following the last or only free throw and after the ball has touched the ring, the free-throw attempt changes its status and becomes a 2-point field goal if the ball is legally touched by any player “before it enters the basket”.

合法 ,應得”1分”。

以上更正經原文在者 Mr. Zsolt HARTYÁNI 及 FIBA 技術委員會副主席 Mr. Lubomir KOTLEBA 確認。
(原書 p.129 及 p.136)

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